Sports physiology is the branch that uses knowledge of how exercise affects the functioning of the body.
It focuses on how the body adjusts physiologically to acute or short-term exercise stress as well as chronic or long-term physical training stress. These concepts from exercise physiology are applied to training athletes and increasing their performance in a specific sport in sport physiology.
A physiologist uses unique tests and technologies to correctly evaluate an athlete’s qualities and analyses how well they perform. Knowing how the body functions during exercise and applying scientific principles to help your body to train better, perform better, and recover faster is the goal of exercise and sport physiology.
Common Conditions that can be aided are namely Obesity, Depression, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Osteoporosis etc.
Exercise’s role in subcellular, molecular, and chemical processes is currently being researched. The findings of this research are increasingly being used by sports medicine specialists and other practitioners to help players attain peak performance and nonathletes gain better health through exercise. Exercise physiology is a science that studies the body’s short-term responses to physical stress as well as its adaptation to repeated physical activity over time.
Exercise Physiology Can Aid in the Treatment and Management of Illness, Injury, or Surgery, Posture and Muscle Control, Strength and Flexibility Exercise Programs, and the Management of Healthy Body Functions such as Musculoskeletal, Metabolic, Cardiac, Pulmonary, Neuromuscular, and others.
Sports physiology is the study of how exercise affects the function and structure of the human body.
As a result, exercise physiologists have the task of ensuring the patient’s fitness and health while also being aware of the risks involved with each sort of physical activity. Injury risk, environmental exposure, and previous disease are just a few of these concerns. The application of exercise physiology theory and research benefits many areas of sports medicine practise, including exercise testing, safety, performance evaluation, correction of training problems, and prevention of problems that affect specific populations (e.g., older athletes, women, children).

By Akshita Goel (PT)

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